Chloe Chaos
Chaos Chaos 2013.Music written by Asy and Chloe Saavedra. Cello by Bryan West.In This Place was recorded, engineered and produced at Electrokitty in Seattle by Gary Reynolds and David Einmo. Cello recorded at Size McSize studio in Brooklyn, NY by Albert Cohen. Cover artwork by Kiliii Fish ://
I wanted to explore the simple mess that a media outlet of YouTube is by typing in the word \"chaos\" and see what was turned out. On the first page alone, there was a news clip about chaos in Iran, there were videos for songs called \"Chaos,\" and a home made 3D animation set to music. Together, these things have little in common apart from their names. However, with a forum like YouTube, the chaos is the point. Because these are so vastly different, yet end up on the same page, we see a purpose in the format of YouTube: providing services that appeal to the highest number of people, even if it does come across looking like a mess. 59ce067264